Monday, July 7, 2008

Women's Distance Festival 5K

I wanted to do this race for several years, after volunteering at another race and hearing someone comment that this was a fun race to run. Yesterday was the first time I got the chance to do it. Last year I was injured and the previous year I was on vacation. And the volunteer was right -- it's a fun race.

I wasn't really sure how I'd do in the race because when I woke up, my muscles were sore from gardening the day before. I did my at-home stretching exercices and then used the foam roller. When I got there, I did some stretching and then a short jog. And pretty soon we were off. I tried to hit my chrono button on my watch at the starting line, but the starting line wasn't clearly marked so I wasn't sure if I passed it or not. The course was really flat, except for one small hill. I know I started out fast, and I was surprised to see my 1 mile time, but I thought that had to be 2 miles, I was still doing good but slowing down. I felt like I was really slow and dragging...but my surprise was the finish line clock which showed that I was coming in for my fastest 5K ever. I'm happy, but deep down inside, I still feel that I could have pushed myself more.

I think I need some positive affirmations during races. Something besides, "I'm tired. I'm in the middle of the pack...Where's the finish line?" My goal will be to think of some positive affirmations to tell myself during my next race.

Overall, a really fun race. They served watermellon after the race, which is the perfect post-race food. I never feel like eating after I run hard and races with a lavish post-race buffet make me feel like it's a waste. The watermellon was cool, juicy, and perfect on this hot and humid day. I chatted with a few other women, and it was a nice time.

Above: I always look like a grumpy old lady in race photos. I'm wearing my "girly" outfit with a running skirt for this all-woman race.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

PR!! PR!!! Maybe a good positive affirmation would be... "I'm setting a PR!!!" You did great. And your "girlie outfit" looks great too! Congrats on the race!