This is the way it is for me with changing a bike tire.
I was venturing out into the world today on my first longer ride with clipless pedals when I felt my tire go over something and then felt that ominous bumpy feeling. And once again, looking down, I confirmed my suspicions: My tire was flat.
Unlike that ride last year when I had no cue as to how to remove my rear tire, I am now an advanced newbie! I removed my rear wheel (hint: You should put the bike in the lowest gear and loosen the rear brakes first).
Then I whip out my tire levers, spare bike tire, and CO2 cartridge. I was in a residential neighborhood and a guy mowing his lawn stops by and asks if I'm far from home and if I know what I'm doing. I reply that I'm not far from home and I try to act like I know what I'm doing. I even think I remember what to do from watching YouTube videos.
I remember that one must insert the tire levers into the tire bead. (Hint: First let ALL AIR OUT of the tire. Then, go around the rim and push the bead with your thumbs, making it easier to remove.)
But in the process, I break both tire leavers and get frustrated. I call my husband, but we're not having a good day, so I decide that I'll get my own self home. I prepare myself for a long walk and a slow ride....but then I remember the CO2 cartridge and put it into the tire. This gives me enough air to get halfway home. Then, I proceed to do a slow ride home.
* * *
After watching more YouTube videos and analyzing the situation I realize what went wrong. Most videos and other instructions neglect to show a close up picture of HOW TO INSERT THE TIRE LEVER!!!! Start near a spoke. The curved part of the lever hooks under the tire bead. The little hook at the bottom hooks around the spoke. Did I mention that all air must be out of the tire before you start??!!!
Below are some good YouTube videos on how to fix a flat tire:
Here are step-by-step instructions from eHow.
Glad this occurred on a ride around the neighborhood, rather than a long out-and-back ride. Now, I'm truly ready to venture out into the world. After all that, did I mention that I did fine with clipless pedals? :)