Sunday, May 31, 2009

The Complete Dummies Guide to Changing a Flat Bike Tire

All too often many instructional books or videos omit important information because the author or creator has mastered the skill and done the task countless times and forgets to include the truly obvious things that confound newbies.

This is the way it is for me with changing a bike tire.

I was venturing out into the world today on my first longer ride with clipless pedals when I felt my tire go over something and then felt that ominous bumpy feeling. And once again, looking down, I confirmed my suspicions: My tire was flat.

Unlike that ride last year when I had no cue as to how to remove my rear tire, I am now an advanced newbie! I removed my rear wheel (hint: You should put the bike in the lowest gear and loosen the rear brakes first).

Then I whip out my tire levers, spare bike tire, and CO2 cartridge. I was in a residential neighborhood and a guy mowing his lawn stops by and asks if I'm far from home and if I know what I'm doing. I reply that I'm not far from home and I try to act like I know what I'm doing. I even think I remember what to do from watching YouTube videos.

I remember that one must insert the tire levers into the tire bead. (Hint: First let ALL AIR OUT of the tire. Then, go around the rim and push the bead with your thumbs, making it easier to remove.)

But in the process, I break both tire leavers and get frustrated. I call my husband, but we're not having a good day, so I decide that I'll get my own self home. I prepare myself for a long walk and a slow ride....but then I remember the CO2 cartridge and put it into the tire. This gives me enough air to get halfway home. Then, I proceed to do a slow ride home.

* * *

After watching more YouTube videos and analyzing the situation I realize what went wrong. Most videos and other instructions neglect to show a close up picture of HOW TO INSERT THE TIRE LEVER!!!! Start near a spoke. The curved part of the lever hooks under the tire bead. The little hook at the bottom hooks around the spoke. Did I mention that all air must be out of the tire before you start??!!!

Below are some good YouTube videos on how to fix a flat tire:

Here are step-by-step instructions from eHow.

Glad this occurred on a ride around the neighborhood, rather than a long out-and-back ride. Now, I'm truly ready to venture out into the world. After all that, did I mention that I did fine with clipless pedals? :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

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don't quit and also keep creating because it just worth to follow it.
looking forward to find out more of your own stories, have a good one :)