Friday, April 6, 2007

I Need a Muse

I titled my blog "My Muse" because I so often need a muse, which is defined by the Merriam-Webster dictionary as "a source of inspriation...a guiding genius...and any of the nine sister goddesses in Greek mythology presiding over song and poetry and arts and sciences."

I just feel stressed these days. There's only 24 hours in a weekend, and never enough time to get everything done. I need a muse to help me write. I need a muse to help me tackle the incredible amount of busywork and paperwork that life involves.

I'm finding it difficul to make the transition from the treadmill in the morning to running outdoors in the afternoon when my kid is at sports or tutor because so many things can happen that will take away the time I planned to run. While I really enjoyed increasing my long runs, I felt like a "weekend warrier" because I was sore for a day or two afterward. On the treadmill, I tend to walk-run, but outdoors, I tend to want to run most of the way, so that's an increase in intensity. My new goal is to add an additional mid-week workouit and slowly build up my mid-week mileage to 9-10 miles over time. Later, I'll put it all together and then once again increasing my long runs.

I'm in a slump with my CAE studying ever since I finished the online course early and then promptly burned out. I need to set up a plan for steady reading and studying, similar to the way I've done for my running buildup. I feel like I don't want this bad enough to study consistently.

I need a muse to give me inspiration in life.

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