Sunday, November 16, 2008

Going for a Ride

Bike rides have been the highlight of my fall and the one thing I look forward to every Sunday. I've fallen off the bandwagon with everything else. I haven't run more than twice since the half-marathon, and I just returned to the swim team.

My Sundays got better four weeks ago when I decided that I was bored with my easier route. I decided that I didn't care about what I'd feel like on Monday. I decided that I was going to ride my "super hill" route -- a route that is both challenging with three hills on one road alone (they don't call it Murray Hill for nothing) and rewarding with bucolic views of a cow pasture, a horse center, fall foliage, and less-traveled roads. Then became a frequently visited site as I searched for the favorite routes of other cyclists and created routes of my own as I sought to gradually extend my route.

Today was the first blustery fall ride with temps in the mid-40s and a strong headwind that made it feel much cooler and made pedaling a challenge. Every cyclist I passed waved "hi!"

I hope the weather holds because with cycling, I know where I'm going.

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